PMS - Why Hemp Can Help


It can be a daily struggle for over 40% of PMS sufferers. PMS occurs between 7-14 days prior to menstruation. You might experience symptoms like irritability and anxiety, breast swelling, tenderness or backache.

Elevated levels of progesterone or oestrogen can cause hormonal changes. Oestrogen is eliminated by the liver. This is why you need to have enough B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc. Low bile flow, or deficiency can cause high levels of estrogen in the blood and symptoms like PMS.

Hempseeds and sunflower seeds, flaxseed, flaxseed, and flaxseed all provide dietary factors that reduce estrogen levels or block their attachment to receptors in cells. The effect of estrogens will be reduced as a result.

Women with PMS might also be deficient in essential fatty acids and have poor conversion of dietary Omega 6 to GLA. Prostaglandin abnormalities may result. Prostaglandins are a group hormone-like substances that regulate many body functions, including

* The production and use of steroids
* Hormone balance, synthesis
* Fluid balance and kidney function
* Inflammation, pain, swelling
* Blood pressure regulation and blood clotting regulation
* Allergy to allergens and nerve transmission.

GLA is a building block of prostaglandins. It can be found pre-made in hemp oil form. GLA could help reduce inflammation and balance hormones. This could also ease bloating and cramping.

Research also shows that women with lower levels of GLA are more sensitive to prolactin. This can lead to breast pain. GLA is likely to help about half of the women with fibrocystic (a painful condition that causes irregular menstrual cycles) who are affected by it. GLA should be obtained from other sources as many women cannot convert omega-6 into GLA. Virginia Harvest Hempseed Oil has 2.7 percent GLA.

Because it has both omega-6 essential fatty acids and omega-3, hempseed oil can be used to provide GLA. They have been shown in studies to regulate blood sugar levels. Fluctuations can also be caused by PMS. Hemp oil can be included in your daily diet, even though it may not contain as much GLA than other GLA sources such as evening primrose capsules and borage oil. Hempseed oil can be used in smoothies, green drinks and dips. Hempseed oil is great with potato or potato and leek soup. Hempseed oil offers many benefits, including the GLA and essential fats as well as magnesium, chlorophyll and plant sterols.



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